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  Nov 25, 2018
VNG 4000 Videonystagmography from HOMOTH
VNG 4000 Videonystagmography from HOMOTH
  Nov 25, 2018

The HOMOTH VNG4000 two-channel-module meets all the requirements of modern equilibratory diagnostics. The logical set-up of the menu facilitates user guidance without requiring specific prior computer knowledge. Thus, vestibular examinations can be delegated without problems.

The adaptation of the system to the individual patient is granted through the joystick diectly on the mask. You can watch the course of the entire measurement online on the screen in real time. It is then evaluated automatically at the touch of a key. The insertion of the norm frequencies in the butterfly diagram allows the correct classification of the result at one look.

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for VNG 4000 Videonystagmography from HOMOTH