An innovative, rapid and economical, semi-automated laboratory solution for the microbiological analysis of urine samples to aid the diagnosis of urinary tract infections (UTI).
In comparison to traditional bacterial culture based methodologies, the Mast Uri® System offers higher throughputs, simplified processing and faster turnaround times, all for significantly reduced costs.
- Identify positive urine samples
- Eliminate negative urine samples
- Inoculate 96 urines in < 15 mins
- Read and report 96 urines in approx 30 mins
- Re-allocate up to 50% of staff time
- Generate antibiotic susceptibility results
- Identify pathogenic bacteria
- Report mixed cultures
- Report >95% urines within 24 hours
The Mast Uri® System comprises:
- Mast Uri® Plus automated plate reader and sample analyser
- Mast Uri® Well dispensing aid with 96 LED template for sample transfer
- Mast Uri® Dot multiple sample inoculator
- Mast Uri® Plates: 96-well plate format pre-poured media plates for bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST)