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  Nov 14, 2018
Fully Automatic-AED Plus from ZOLL.
Fully Automatic-AED Plus from ZOLL.
  Nov 14, 2018

When the Fully Automatic AED Plus® detects a shockable heart rhythm, it delivers the shock on its own. No one needs to push a button. Once the Fully Automatic AED Plus prompts “Don’t Touch Patient,” and the heart analysis begins, if a shock is needed, it will be delivered automatically after a brief verbal countdown.

Like all ZOLL AEDs, the Fully Automatic AED Plus features Real CPR Help®. This revolutionary technology gives you real-time feedback for both depth and rate of chest compressions, helping you provide the best CPR possible in a rescue. Audio and visual prompts guide you to rescue with a confidence and clarity unmatched by any other AED.

  • Not pushing hard enough? It will tell you when to “Push Harder.”
  • Not pushing fast enough? A metronome will lead you to the right rate.
  • Pushing hard and fast? You will hear “Good Compressions.”
For more detail:
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for Fully Automatic-AED Plus from ZOLL.